Dorow sweat gland/ axilla suction curette

Dorow sweat gland/ axilla suction curette, 15cm, 6mm

Kotzur Liposuction cannula turbo 30cm, 3mm, 9 holes

Kotzur Liposuction cannula turbo 30cm, 3mm, 9 holes

Toledo liposuction injection cannula, one central hole - 1.5mm dia x 7cm with leur lock

Toledo liposuction injection cannua, one central hole - 70 x 1.5mm dia. with leur lock

Fork shape, rounded tips, dissecting surface between tips

Special Price $111.00 Regular Price $261.00
Product Code

Toledo liposuction injection cannua, one central hole - 70 x 1.5mm dia. with leur lock

Fork shape, rounded tips, dissecting surface between tips