Metzenbaum slim dissecting scissors - curved 14cm

Metzenbaum slim dissecting scissors - curved 14cm

Operating scissors delicate - blunt/blunt

Operating scissors delicate - blunt/blunt

Universal utility trauma scissors "Chicken Scissors"

Universal utility trauma scissors ("Chicken scissors") with 1 serrated blade - available 14cm or 18cm

All purpose, general use scissors which can be used in the theatre, ward, emergency department, anaesthetics, clinic, private rooms.

Can be used to cut bandages, tubing, drapes, casts, cloth and dressings.

Product Code
Grouped product items
Product Name Qty
Universal utility scissors with 1 serrated blade - 14cm
( 40.47.14 )
Universal utility scissors with 1 serrated blade - 18cm
( 40.47.18 )

Universal utility trauma scissors ("Chicken scissors") with 1 serrated blade - available 14cm or 18cm

All purpose, general use scissors which can be used in the theatre, ward, emergency department, anaesthetics, clinic, private rooms.

Can be used to cut bandages, tubing, drapes, casts, cloth and dressings.