Operating scissors delicate - slender pattern

Operating scissors delicate - slender pattern

Perwitzschky delicate dissecting scissors with ball point

Perwitzschky delicate dissecting scissors with ball point

Peck Joseph delicate dissecting scissors - blunt

Peck Joseph delicate dissecting scissors, 14cm Blunt - options available in as either Straight or curved- Supercut or Black line.
See below for the differences between these scissors types
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Peck Joseph delicate dissecting scissors, 14cm Blunt - options available in as either Straight or curved- Supercut or Black line.
Supercut scissors - Knife edges & micro serration for a fine, minimally traumatising cut
Black line scissors have knife edges and micro serration giving a fine, minimally traumatising cut. Black line scissors give reduction of the transversal cut for better visibility and precise preparation. It is characterised by the gold screw and black rings