Olivecrona (Crafoord) hemostatic forceps

Olivecrona (Crafoord) hemostatic forceps

Olsen Hegar needle holder and scissors combined

Olsen Hegar needle holder and scissors combined

Olsen Hegar mini needle holder and scissors combined

Olsen Hegar mini needle holder and scissors combined 12cm - available in serrated and smooth as Standard or Tungsten Carbide

Tungsten Carbide - smooth inserts - for delicate needles and sutures sizes 7-0 and 10-0

Tungsten Carbide - extra fine inserts - for micro needles and suture sizes up to size 10-0

Product Code
Grouped product items
Product Name Qty
Olsen Hegar Mini Needle Holder and Scissors combined 12cm - Serrated
( 10.60.12 )
Olsen Hegar mini needle holder and scissors 12cm - TC Serrated - Extra Fine
( 10.60.62 )

Olsen Hegar mini needle holder and scissors combined 12cm - available in serrated and smooth as Standard or Tungsten Carbide

Tungsten Carbide - smooth inserts - for delicate needles and sutures sizes 7-0 and 10-0

Tungsten Carbide - extra fine inserts - for micro needles and suture sizes up to size 10-0