Yasargil Micro needleholder 16cm - Available in Straight or Curved

Yasargil Micro needleholder 16cm


Gillies needleholder and scissors combined 15.5cm

Jacobson micro needleholder

Jacobson micro needleholder - options available:
  • 18.5cm with catch
  • 21cm with catch
  • Tungsten Carbide - fine -Straight 18cm
  • Tungsten Carbide - fine -Curved 18cm
  • Tungsten Carbide - fine -Straight 18cm with catch
  • Tungsten Carbide - fine -Curved 18cm with catch

Tungsten Carbide inserts with fine inserts are for delicate needles and suture sizes 5-0 and 6-0

Product Code
Grouped product items
Product Name Qty
Jacobson micro needleholder straight 18cm w/out catch serrated - Tungsten Carbide fine
( 11.84.68 )
Jacobson micro needleholder curved 18cm w/out catch serrated - Tungsten Carbide fine
( 11.85.68 )
Jacobson micro needleholder straight 18cm with catch serrated - Tungsten Carbide fine
( 11.86.68 )
Jacobson micro needleholder curved 18cm with catch serrated - Tungsten Carbide fine
( 11.87.68 )
Jacobson micro needleholder - options available:
  • 18.5cm with catch
  • 21cm with catch
  • Tungsten Carbide - fine -Straight 18cm
  • Tungsten Carbide - fine -Curved 18cm
  • Tungsten Carbide - fine -Straight 18cm with catch
  • Tungsten Carbide - fine -Curved 18cm with catch

Tungsten Carbide inserts with fine inserts are for delicate needles and suture sizes 5-0 and 6-0