Our Products

Locklin gum scissors - angled to side

Locklin gum scissors - angled to side

Magill intubation forceps with atraumatic jaws

Magill intubation forceps with atraumatic jaws

Lucae bayonet forceps 14cm

Lucae bayonet forceps 14cm - available in serrated options and 1x2 teeth
Product Code
Grouped product items
Product Name Qty
Lucae bayonet forceps 14cm - Serrated
( 07.30.14 )
Lucae bayonet forceps 14cm - Serrated Delicate
( 07.30.74 )
Lucae bayonet forceps 14cm - 1x2 Teeth
( 07.31.14 )
Lucae bayonet forceps 14cm - available in serrated options and 1x2 teeth