Niro Wire Twisting Forceps - Tungsten Carbide 15cm

Niro wire twisting forceps - Tungsten Carbide

Kirschner traction bow - horseshoe shaped

Kirschner traction bow - horseshoe shaped

Kirschner Mod USA wire traction bow

Kirschner Mod USA traction bow complete with 3 traction hooks - available in small or large pattern
Product Code
Grouped product items
Product Name Qty
Kirschner Mod USA traction bow w/ 3 traction hooks - small pattern, a = 4.5-13cm, b = 1.5-10cm
( 76.40.01 )
Kirschner Mod USA traction bow w/ 3 traction hooks - large pattern, a = 0-16cm, b = 9-13cm
( 76.40.03 )
Kirschner Mod USA traction bow complete with 3 traction hooks - available in small or large pattern