Kuentscher Awls for opening the medullary cavity

Kuentscher Awls for opening the medullary cavity

Mead bone rongeur upper side of jaws open

Mead bone rongeur upper side of jaws open

Fritsch (Kocher) retractor 25.5cm curved

Fritsch (Kocher) retractor 25.5cm curved - available in different diameters
Product Code
Grouped product items
Product Name Qty
Fritsch Kocher retractor 25.5cm - 40 x 40mm curved
( 23.42.05 )
Fritsch Kocher retractor 25.5cm - 50 x 40mm curved
( 23.42.06 )
Fritsch Kocher retractor 25.5cm - 60 x 40mm curved
( 23.42.07 )
Fritsch Kocher retractor 25.5cm - 70 x 40mm curved
( 23.42.08 )
Fritsch Kocher retractor 25.5cm - 80 x 40mm curved
( 23.42.09 )
Fritsch (Kocher) retractor 25.5cm curved - available in different diameters