Kerrison mastoid rongeur

Kerrison mastoid rongeur

Hough excavator 15cm for oval window, heavy pattern

Hough excavator 15cm for oval window, heavy pattern

House micro sharp curette D/E 15cm - cups slightly angled forwards

House micro sharp curette D/E 15cm - available with different end diameters with cups either SLIGHTLY angled forwards or STRONGLY angled forwards - different diameters available. Used in stapedectomy
Product Code
Grouped product items
Product Name Qty
House micro sharp curette double ended, cups slightly angled forwards - 1mm & 1.2mm
( 63.12.70 )
House micro sharp curette double ended, cups slightly angled forwards - 1.5mm & 1.8mm
( 63.12.75 )
House micro sharp curette double ended, cups strongly angled forwards - 1mm & 1.2mm
( 63.12.80 )
House micro sharp curette double ended, cups strongly angled forwards - 1.5mm & 1.8mm
( 63.12.85 )
House micro sharp curette D/E 15cm - available with different end diameters with cups either SLIGHTLY angled forwards or STRONGLY angled forwards - different diameters available. Used in stapedectomy