Hartmann ear speculum - adult

Hartmann ear speculum - adult

Hartmann irrigating cannula

Hartmann irrigating cannula

Hartmann ear speculum - children

Hartmann ear speculum for children - available in different dia.. Available as chrome plated or stainless steel. Set of 3 includes 3mm, 4.5mm, 5.5mm outer dia.
Product Code
Grouped product items
Product Name Qty
Hartmann ear speculum for children 3mm
( 62.02.01 )
Hartmann ear speculum for children 4.5mm
( 62.02.02 )
Hartmann ear speculum for children 5mm
( 62.02.03 )
Hartmann ear speculum for children - available in different dia.. Available as chrome plated or stainless steel. Set of 3 includes 3mm, 4.5mm, 5.5mm outer dia.