Jansen Middleton septum forceps 19cm

Jansen Middleton septum forceps 19cm

Watson Williams ethmoid bone forceps, 7mm jaw width, 120mm shaft

Watson Williams ethmoid bone forceps, 7mm jaw width, 120mm shaft

Gubisch suction raspatory with guide 20cm, dia. 4mm

Gubisch suction raspatory with guide 20cm, dia. 4mm

Ideal for precise subperichondral preparation at the septum and subperiostal preparation of the osturbinale.

Also available in straight 17cm, 4mm (67.15.97)

Special Price $104.00 Regular Price $260.00
Product Code

Gubisch suction raspatory with guide 20cm, dia. 4mm

Ideal for precise subperichondral preparation at the septum and subperiostal preparation of the osturbinale.